Monday, September 05, 2005

STuPiD Me, D.E.B?

Act I'd wrote this in the slanting late-evening unlucky-miss-quiz-Friday…

Today I feel like shit, tell u da truth because I've had face off dumb stupid thing today. I got sleep quite late yester-day nite, thus, I got up lil'bit late today (act big2 late). Wut the point I wanna say here is I miss 2 quizzes for subject microprocessors n math. I get da feeling that I've had trouble involved wi' this. U know guys miss da quizzes something like u have a valuable check until this morning but failed to cash it because getting up late. KLUTZ!!!! For subject microprocessors I aint really sacred coz there have many ways I can manage to get score but for the math the mark for quiz is pretty big. Mean if u don't attend the quiz u will loo big mark. Fair or not, it’s the way thing will be, HOGWASH. I guess the person who didn’t attend the math quiz only me, din n jedy, this is because Mr. Zuki juz inform to automotive student about it. They both try to explain to Mr. Zuki n try to ask for re-quiz but unfortunately fail. And now, without further ado I do realize that I should STUDY!!! It is not easy to grab degree. Not like others institution that juz lepaking at bungalow, wi' nice dishes, sponsored wardrobe, and what the shamelessly, itu pon bley LUPA lyrics n after 3 months u can get certification. hint… hint (stupid joke's sophomore from me).
Moral: u can drifting off in da middle of class session, u can chat in da class, even u can main sms but plz don miss that class!!!

Totally hazardous situation!!

Here wanna upload some article. This article quite long so I cutting out several of paragraphs.

……..Saya amat bersetuju dengan pandangan Pak Ungku bahawa dasar pendidikan negara skg ini adalah tidak konsisten dan sering berubah2. contoh yg tepat yg diberikan oleh Pak Ungku ialah pengajaran sains n math dlm b inggeris. Bagi beliau perubahan polisi ini amat merugikan masa depan anak bangsa melayu sendiri.
Dlm wawancara ini Pak ungku juga menekankan akan pentingnya anak2 muda Melayu menanamkan dlm diri mereka rasa cinta kepada ilmu pengetahuan. Beliau melahirkan rasa kecewanya tentang kesan yg sedang merebak di kalangan anak2 remaja melayu yg lebih mementingkan hiburan Fantasia sehingga mereka sanggup menangis, berpelukan, terkinja2, melompat2 tanpa arah tujuan…..

From Dr Syed Azman Nawawi regarding wawancara between Mingguan Malaysia and Prof. Diraja Ungku Aziz about DEB (respek lah this icon!!!)

….Pak Ungku: Kepada saya, tidak begitu penting sama ada orang Melayu mencapai pemilikan ekuiti 18 peratus, 30 peratus atau 50 peratus sekali pun. Ini kerana orang Melayu secara umumnya masih lagi masyarakat luar bandar.
Kalau kita hendak mengayakan orang kaya di bandar, baguslah tetapi saya percaya itu bukan masalah sebenar yang kita hadapi. Kalau kita menambahkan peratusan saham orang Melayu, masalah kita tetap tidak selesai juga.
Apa yang sepatutnya kita lakukan ialah menambahkan pendapatan orang Melayu secara keseluruhan terutamanya masyarakat di desa. Ini sesuatu yang tidak berjaya kita lakukan selama ini……

After 20 years DEB already tutup buku the equities of Malays still 18%. Can u imagine how this kinda could be happened? Easier to answer, the richer Malays forgot to their root. Easy hah!!! They all can get tender or contract from government pon sbb DEB atas dasar koata Bumiputera. They making a lot of money because of semangat DEB (goyang kaki n play golf).So why not share wi' others?? Maybe they all takut their properties get reduce kot….is the will-o’-the-wisp to get them to help us!!!

The question is "where do Malays go from here?"


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