Huh a weekend morning dae fully with gotong-royong and truly kacau-ing my sleeping wonderful beauty time. Gonna be rushed with sound of speaker to make all of us wake up from sleeping dat truly made my ears and all body shake boom2 shake. I can't sleep no more n then went to bathroom brushed my teeth (xmandi,hehe). Then I went into assembly that conducted by JPK but then suddenly and accidentally tersinggah at Che'Mat room n accidentally oso ter'continued tidor on his bed. After a mean while someone woke me up and ask me to get our free bfast. N then the gotong-royong was started till the principle college does his inspection.
Yesterday I got my new mp3+ pendrive around 200 hinggit. Pretty terkebil2 setting it up coz guess I one of the idiot person about technology. If the small boy looking at me terkebil2 fo'sho dey will giggle at me. These millennium boyz wut I can see steady jek main strategy game. Aku juz setakat CS,FIFA, NBA bley la.
This Wednesday I have de interview for become as secretariat for this coming convocation dae on July 2007. Actually Im not sure why I submit that form coz I know that myself kinda not interested about the thing like this, active that, active this (I thought is not my type). But there have sumethin that push me up!!!!! Guess kompom I'll fail if the interviewers ask me about who is rector, wut is out motto, bla bla...hopefully they wouldn't burst out "wut do you trying crappin here?" n so on... But gasak la!!!! i aint put any hope ther. Im only hope if I become as that team plz la it's not going to spend my 3 month semester holidae for that coming event coz my plan nak keje kat vendor PROTON, kompol duit, aku anak org susah so must be hardworking. My mak pun already got the form.
Juz b4 I checked my e-comm for my coursework OSHA (occupational safety n health), got horrible bit of new, my GOD!!!I dunno whether lecturer doesn't put my mark yet or he miss it. Dah la mostly student fail the test currently for this subject evendo this is onli 1 credit. Anyhow 2morro im gonna be check it...check it...check it babe....
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