"Engineering = the creative art of applying science for the benefit of humanity"
Howdy, Yesterday nite I'd read jijo's blog . I dun know where he exactly has been study now but I guess somewhere in Europe. I saw from his picture behind him like aswad, so I assumed at Russia or maybe somepart at Ireland. Of course he took medic study, my members usually if they go abroad of coz about medic except da only one Mamat take engineering at UK (Biol dia ni). Couple month ago I'd mingled around at TC's pasar malam and accidently met several of friends, Kimmy quite surprise because I am here.
+wey aku ingat ko kat oversea. Ko study kat mana skg?
-aku study kat sini la (something I never flaunt at the beginning)
+Bukan ke ko kat oversea
-Takde la, maybe xde rezeki kot.I am here and study kat sini pon ok ape
Argh!!! I never think that I'll stick at bumi Malaysia take engineering course (the course I never dream) for my 1st degree. I am always dreaming that I'll play with snow when winter come over, pick up the flower in full blossom. But dream is just a dream, you could undo the times. Right now just go on, achieve your own goal dude. And please stop to OPEN and READ fs or blog that related to oversea's study story, it will hum you. Sini pon GEMPAK ape!!!
I got the new rommie!!! i asks him why he dun wanna take medic course, he reply back he's not interested. he got 4.00 in matrix. so i suppose to syukur albeit i couldn't take medic course but maybe this is the rite way fo' me, aite??
Note shah:
Roommate aku mmg seorg yg tersangat bijak, terasa diri amat segan duduk sebilik dgn beliau. Di Kolej aku pelajar yang mengambil jurusan kejuruteraan kimia bioteknologi adalah memang seorg yg bijak jika hendak dibandingkan dengan jurusan kejuruteraan yg lain. Pointer mereka semua adalah 3.75 ke atas.Kamu semua boleh menjangkakan betapa bijaknya golongan ini apabila baru masuk 2 hari kelas bermula dia telah meminjam 3 buah buku mengenai biology dan microbilogy (yg tebalnya 3 inche) dr perpustakaan. Aku pulak masih terkial-kial meng "convert" unit SI kepada unit U.S unit~
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