Sunday, July 16, 2006


FLu, HouSe N BooK

Today I got a very bad flu, it's make me seems pentoi today. I'd waked up early morning and wanna go to Astaka at beginning but flu-barrier make me surrender. Lastly I got 1 tables of Actifed and slept over da whole day. In de evening I made a long tiring walk to my "rent house", I am wanted to sleep there for the 1st time. The conditions of house pretty dust and plus my "hyper non- active" nose it make me had uncomfortable. I got pain in my back shoulder too.

"Disability is a part of person's individuality"

I am seems keen to finish my reading "no one's perfect": autobiography by Hirotada Ototake, a very disabled child had born with no arms and leg!! H. Ototake reviewed in this book experince from his childhood till now. How his parent accept the "gift" wi' de open hand and all the hurdles that faced by them like elementary school enrollment, a sedentary involving, sturdy child with limited- activities by himself but he done very well. What I am interested in this story is how the Japanese accept the disabled person around them. One situation the others kid parents thank to the teacher (Takagi sensei and Oka sensei) because being the Oto-chan in the same class with their child. It gives a lesson to their children how to be generous and help people among them. And it gives a boost to their children to work more harder. Last but not the end Ototake had succeed wrote his disability as a strong point and become success person like others normal person. Struggling and determination what I can say is written all over him.


Rite now, I try to read and read a book as many as possible. Mungkin terpengaruh ngn pak khalid and pak rostam kot. Tapi tak lah sampai ade library kecil kat toilet cam pak khalid.

Note shah:
Aku masih pening memikirkan pasal PSM (projek sarjana muda) aku ini. Tarikh penghantaran (due date) adalah dalam minggu ke-7. aku masih tiada idea apa bakal aku buat utk PSM nanti. Mungkinkah aku cuma terima sahaja cadangan dari pensyarah aku? Tapi pening-pening aku pon masih sempat mengkhatam komik "remember" oleh benjamin,hiauuuw ~