Friday, April 21, 2006


It is lovely fresh breeze morning. I slept quite earli last nite around 1 am, and woke up 4 am and open my book and all notes till now (xsolat subuh lg ni,jap lg eh).Is it true, am I juz sleep for 2 hours??? Why imma so struggle?? One answer- I dunnot study anythin YET!!! Think I can finish up the *entire chapters for FLUIDS in these 6 hours ~wink~

*(actually only study the hint/tips, ngeh he he including boundary layer, shock wave, Pelton turbine, triangle and similarity)

Btw at anotha parts the happiness for todae is last paper. And thanks and syukur to God for blessings me coz before I attend the entire paper exam I'm already passed all the hardcore paper. Like subject fluid todae I'm just attend the exam to score at least to get B. no pressure2 on me!!! Dat all gotta go now for solat~

p/s: guyz wish me luck ya