Sunday, July 23, 2006


IE's EsEmEnT

Suppose that your university hires an IE to help it become more efficient and more effective. For such an environment, which of the activities would be of the greatest importance? Defend your answer with a logical argument.

We think we have to improve our data system, its mean ICT center. All data in the university will be saving in ICT center. So we think we have the strong reason why we have to improve the ICT center.

First of all, when we improve the system all data will up-dated occasionally. Of course if we use the common procedure it will take a time. We have to find out the old data file and replace it with the new one. So if one day there has 100 of the up-dated data, there will be a problem to open up the old file and absolutely it could be messy up and at the end some mistake will be happened.

Besides that, when we improve the ICT center all people in that organization (University) can get the latest information early and fast. For example if we want to spread out the good new such as our victory or vanity in certain field if we use old-fashion way (paper, bulletin board etc) it will take a long time, maybe its spend half or one day whole. But if we try to improve our system in such a way of memo and on-line bulletin, no need to spend time and more people to do this task. There need just one person to conduct the on-line bulletin and all people could reach it (information) easily.

On the other hand, with improvement of ICT system it is could reduce the bureaucracy- barrier. For example if someone want to book a place such as meeting room, that person have to meet one person and sometimes he have to go to another person. Often, that person has to reach one department to the other department too. So with the on-line booking system, he just clicks at the button, and all things will work easily. If the place had been booked by some one the person will get the feedback on the time, no need to wait and refer back to another person-in charge.

And of course with the pinnacle of the ICT system it will reduce the usage of paper and stationary (paperless). So the cost had been cut and we could save the budget in effective way. Besides that, with the helping of the good ICT system we could reduce the valuable time to do the unnecessary task such as pile in and out data file, too many redundant work-force and etc.

As conclusion, if we could improve our ICT system its will help the university to control the data management and easily to conduct and survey the structure of the organization, so at the end it will increase the productivity and running the university in efficient and more effective way.

p/s: actually this is the rough for my essay assignment submit by this Monday. The industrial engineering's subject. I am juz typing down what's glimpse thru into ma mind. So perhaps I could do touch up lil'bit ah more later. Else, I am also register for critical thinking with literature's subject. In that has drama, poem, pop culture and so on. So i've had to find out the strength of bahasa-bahasi in myself yg dah berkarat ni.

Note shah:
Hidup ini kadang-kala menjadi tunggang langgang jika tiada keutamaan dlm hidup. Pandangan dari sudut berbeza juga menjadi salah satu element terpenting dlm diri. Tetapi jika kita terlalu obses utk menuntut kpd sudut pandangan berbeza juga kadang kala menjadi masalah. Begitu juga dgn masalah retrospektif, terlalu obses sehingga terlupa adakah hidup akan lebih terasa puas jika melalui jalan yg mudah. Kita tidak tahu esok hari, tempuhi sahaja. Mungkin sedikit bekalan memadai. Adakah hidup aku terlalu berkeceramuk, hingga lupa apa itu erti keutamaan.Lupakan apa itu org kata.Apa2 pun perlu tenang diri. Self-control. Aku cuba bermonolog~