Tuesday, July 25, 2006



After try my new bicycle (yg baru gak pancit), make a note for Manufacturing Engineering's subject (quiz tomorrow) and got da shower,laying on my bed wi' da mug of nescafe...

Today is the 1st RAKSI for this semester. I am conducting 12 junior which half of them diploma student and the rest is degree. Not really difficult, I am be awed by them but we are still enjoying (seem they were frolickin' but I dun know either is just pretendin' or not) the activity and I make decision to make it as fast as possible bcoz I'd other matter with esement, project proposal and quiz for tomorro. My junior got their a lot of esement too tonite. They told la and dun know if they'd lie to me.

Since da new semester is begun I am totally in hectic and messy life (am i??). Our rekacipta and inovasi competiton is going fluently and thanks to Dinie (my boss), Hisham, Intan and Baini as well as En. Rahman (our mentor) that give full of their hands. These muka2 la that always full fill and sumetimes make it look like crowded in HEP's office. This Thursday our 1st panel hakim meeting will be held at bilik mesyuarat eksekutif LUP, evendo I am da person who in charge in judging part I couldn't attend the meeting from the start bcoz got a class be4 (one of that hakim is my lecturer dat day). Actually the meeting seems going to be messy up at the start. Some outside judgers couldn't attend caused of busy and come out with others reason but at the end they said okay if the meeting start at 10 am. But the problem is almost inside judgers have a class at 10 am. I realize that's not a lot to go on after, so Mr. Rahman and I make a decision if anythin else will happen the meeting must be run follow the intent. No excuses!!! What was more start from last week I am too busy keep out of the progress of this meeting. Asks this person do the menu, book the ticket's flight, face off several (weird maybe) of attitude of hakim-hakim and so on. But one thing that I can't deny, I like that. I like the busy life rather than gloomy and bore life.

Wanna write about the gory details about other stories but I am so dizzy and going to zzzzz....so lady gd nite.(today I couldn't help myself drifting off whole one lecture class. )

Note shah:

memisahkan diri aku dr brsifat simpati dan kesian amatlah sukar bg aku(yup aku mmg mudah memahami perasaan org lain). kdg kala utk aku mengatakan tidak pd sesuatu perkara yg tidak aku sukai juga amat sukar.aku cuba utk bersifat selfish,namun bila makin kuat aku mencuba makin lemah diri aku menahannya. walaupon begitu masih ramai yg mengatakan aku ini jenis yg bersifat manipulasi. akukah yg perasan?? tetapi aku merasakan bahawa aku perlu lebih dinamik lg selepas ini.