Monday, September 18, 2006


Response to writing by Ahmad Sahidah....

Actually that writing is response on article by Dr. Shaari Isa titled Tafsiran menurut realiti. He had tried to see how people nowadays even in new world still have old minded thinking. And its made the whole life of the people static, withstand against development.

He had got from what his understanding about Dr. Shaari's article how Dr. Shaari had categorized people in 2 division, realist and statis.

Puak realis adalah kelompok yang mentafsirkan sesuatu berdasarkan kepada realiti, yang mendorong masyarakat menuju kemodenan.

Puak statis berpandangan ideologikal dan sempit dengan mengajak kaumnya menuju romantisisme masa dahulu dan menolak pembaharuan.

The writer had easily made an opinion and example for statis people like Iranian after revolution 1979 and Taliban Government at Afghan.

The writer said:
Dr. Shaari menyatakan bahawa pemikiran realis telah membuat masyarakat moden dan maju, sebagaimana dicontohkan oleh Barat sekarang ini. Secara tersirat, kenyataan ini menunjukkan bahawa kemajuan Eropah adalah sebuah kejayaan. Justeru, modeniti Barat dinilai gagal oleh para pemikir daripada kalangan mereka sendiri, seperti Max Horkheimer dan Theodor Adorno dalam buku Dialectic of Enlightenment (1973).

So why the writer (Ahmad sahidah) said the revolution by Iranian and the victory of Taliban in Afghan as reason for retardation of all aspect compare to the victory of Islam 7th century until 13th century.

And I big confuse when the writer come out with the contradiction and said it is a big fatal mistake if we try to relate the revolution to Statis's clan. Because it as if teasing the history of the victory and paragon of ulama' and the civilian the whole things against the cruelty of dictator, Reza Pahlawi/Shah Iran.

What I can evaluate this writer is big die hard fun of Dr. Syariti as tank-thinker of progressive Iranian and be a mastermind to bring a spirit of reformisms to Iran system.

The writer also come out with Fazlur Rahman(Pakistanian)'opinion in contact of Islamic point about Statis that the ability of describe and come back to pure method and religion methodology follow to Quran and sunnah, meanwhile the realist is could adapt the text with situation nowadays (what the Amin said as the successful of exchange from text to context). The Pakistanian claims it is what he had call "gerakan bolak-balik" between old and new.

Basically, it is made a big-big confuse for me because the writer is fail to give example what is the realist and what is statis. The writer failed to make a description what meaning of statis. And if he had refer back statis to what happened in Iran and Afghan that I will call a silly and stupid example. Whether the writer is do not understand or I in failure to take understand a point what the exactly the point of view the writer had shown.

But at the last I got the whole explanation what he trying.

Then he wrote:
Kita memerlukan pentafsiran yang tidak lagi terperangkap pada pembezaan binar melainkan kita cuba melakukan sintesis antara kedua-dua kaedah ini.

So I had taken this as he tried to explain how we couldn't express of this 2 word as black and white (binary) because it is subjective view. Maybe some of people said this people are statis and the other side said they are actually realist. So the example about Iran and Afghan for me it is not his opinion. So the writer what i can see is declining the statis and realist theory. The dialectic theory is for decline this theory.

If we try to get civilization's achievement, no doubt realist it's more practical than statis. And for if we try combine between realist and statis (gerakan bolak-balik) we still become realist. Nothing was more important than realistic. If we had referred back to Quran and sunnah that still realist. If we want achieve in world wide it is still realist. The divide of statis and realist just suit and relevant if we refer back to history of enlightenment in Europe. Because they are totally decline off involvement from church in management of country and life. Thus, growth up society like freemanson, illumination and others believers and by that bringing to creation of the istilah like liberalism, capitalism, progressive, (islam hadari???) and so on.

In Islam we are encourage to become realistic to what we are doing and what we are face in this world.

Demikianlah Allah menerangkan kepadamu ayat-ayat-Nya (hukum-hukum-Nya) supaya kamu memahaminya. Surah al-Baqarah ayat 242

Adakah orang yang mengetahui bahawa apa yang diturunkan kepadamu dari Tuhanmu itu benar sama dengan orang yang buta? Hanya orang yang berakal sahaja yang dapat mengambil pengajaran. Surah al-Ra'd ayat 19

And we are as Muslim please do not influenced by these term (realist and statis) that they are trying to set in our mind at all. They just want we are become separated and divided and claim this group is realist and that group is statis. All rubbish!!!

Hadis rasulullah:
Wajib ke atas kamu berjamaah dan berwaspadalah terhadap gejala berpuak -puak , justeru sesungguhnya syaitan bersama orang yang bersendirian sementara syaitan berada sangat jauh dari orang yang berdua , barangsiapa yang mahu tempat teristemewa di tengah-tengah syurga ( kerakyatan ) syurga maka hendaklah ia melazimi ( mewajibkan diri ) bersama Jamaah .
Riwayat Imam Tarmizi

Jamaah adalah rahmat sementara berpuak- puak pula adalah azab . Riwayat Imam Ahmad