Monday, July 31, 2006


search with sms

Hi guys. The meeting that I told you b4 you know'd went to very excellent, achieve da target. Prof Nordin what could saw happy and satisfy about the commitment from judgers. I'd learnt a lot and a lot of thang. More to relationship figure at the meeting, they way you should give opinion, the don'ts and the do's, everythin is precious learning.

This morning is held the simulation of the opening/launching of ceremony. I am not involvin' at all, too sedentary, just attend and do what they ask (Im skips that event between 10-12pm, dtg sebab nak makan free. The chicken rice is pretty nice). Actually at the day (12 and 13) I am more relating to judging field. I've to set up judger's meeting, audit the mark, and make a certification list and so on. I got the instinct of course me myself and my team do not sleep until 1 am at da day.

Finish about the progress.

Search will launch their latest album, Gothic Malam Edan. Sign for Malaysian rock will brew again. More hard compore to previous album. No Isabella, gadisku,rozana's type. They go to their basic, genuine rock and roll(of course more headbangings). No ballads and no melancholic. Yup, search is one of my favorite bands. They like aerosmith and rolling stone and U2 at their on style. Amy with his strong sexy aura could make any godish-godish chick's heart keep beating fast and agogo. Hillary Ang, the original line up for guitarist assemble again make the sound greater. Tracks like Memoria Anna, Gothik Malam Edan, Yin & Yang will make da heart attack-suffer will go early. What's better than search...


It might be the strong evidence I am the lazy person who replies the sms. Just before my finger'd danced at the keypad of my hset and accidentally ter-press msg counter.

Sent msg = 771
Received msg = 2320

Started count from March 2006.

note shah:
sekali lagi rakan kecialku akan masuk semula ke hospital menjalani ujian kali kedua. dan semoga ia bukanlah penyakit itu. walaupon dia tak sehat namun suaranya masih seperti dulu, cara dia memanggil nama aku sama spt dulu dan membuatkan aku tersenyum.semoga dia cepat sembuh utk terus mengikuti

betapa seolah2 cubaan dilonggokan dunia
keatas mu,
tapi hatimu masih membara, seperti dulu
meskipon kau tidak seperti dulu,
dan kita dikelilingi oleh ingatan yg tidak terbilang
aku di sini,aku di sini dan masih di sini.

p/s: lastly, i can make a post at the end after couple of days struggling with poor interenet~ triumph