Monday, November 27, 2006


When Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin said "maju pertanian, majulah melayu". i just looking at 2 matters. maybe farm sector is still being conquered by malay but when we look at the other sector such as agriculture and we wanna relate it to malay belongings maybe we have to look at deep brooding. You see aa at tanah tinggi cameeron dan almost of kebun2 sayur and buah-buahan evidently still dominated by non-bumiputera(minus padi bukit). At the other sector like oilfarm and rubber maybe quite relevant to malay/bumi. Sometimes we are forget mostly anak petani are send to university nearly is not in pertanian course or something related with. They already are planted by us to their mind they don't ever follow their parent steps for kind to the land. within armload of RM6.9 billion which is 94% more than RMK-8, are many people will enjoy with this money???, on the other hand basically it become big difficulty to civilian to change their mind suddenly, such as from "bolehland to hadhariland", from "industrial(berat??) to farm and agricultural". Civilian gonna be blurr and hum and hew for a second. And what I am worrying about is future will increase the unemployed graduates caused of less of job vacancy. and i believe all people will admit that farm sector is not a sector that will produce many job opportunities, at least for fresh graduate. setuju atau tidak??

p/s 1: berapa eh pecahan peratusan student di IPT(IPTS sudah tentu tiada kursus pertanian) yg mengambil pertanian atau yg berkaitan dengan bukan kursus pertanian. ini amat penting utk menyusun rancangan bagaimana ingin menyerap (minda) 4,5 tahun siswa yg memasuki alam universiti yg lepas ini dengan hal2 pertanian ini.

note shah:
rancangan yg paling aku minati the Apparantice rupanya sudah masuk ke musim yg ke-5. secara jujur banyak episod atau lebih tepat musim yang aku tidak ikuti. musim kelima Sean menang. aku suka sean. antara ramai-ramai(5)juara aku paling suka Bill Rancis dan Sean. suatu masa dahulu Bill rancis ada datang ke malaysia atas suatu forum. dengar cerita forum yang dihadiri oleh oleh bekas PM dan lain-lain itu utk org awam menyertainya dikenakan bayaran sebanyak 400bucks.sangat mahal. Mentor 2 akhir akan dilangsungkan tidak lama lagi. tetapi tiketnya free, oleh itu marilah org2 yg tidak berduit kita memeriahkan konsert tersebut. dan jgn lupa undi Nyiel, peserta favorite aku~aku tiada credit nak undi~