Monday, September 25, 2006



Dr. Nordin kardi menulis di dlm utusan mengenai debat falsafah yang perlu diterapkan di universiti-universiti di malaysia. Beliau menulis betapa di universiti perlunya debat mengikut lunas falsafah daripada mengikut lunas politik. Timbul persolan yang mana muncul dahulu, politik yang mencipta falsafah atau falsafah yang mencipta politik??

Ya, kadang-kadang pemikiran yang terlalu berfalsafah itu membuatkan org awam menjadi jelak, sisi kondisinya hanya berputar, bermain-main dengan kaedah mantik dan adakalanya seperti berputar-putar pada paksinya sahaja, tidak lancar dan hanya malah jika tidak dikawal dan bertumpu maka wujudlah debat yang hanya di permukaan sahaja tanpa pergi ke dasar.

Pada aku debat falsafah, kondisinya harus nyata dan dapat dirasai oleh khalayak. Sebagai contoh:
Terdapat pemikir(ahli falsafah??)yang begitu taksub memetik kata pujangga sebelumnya seperti idea itu adalah ideanya, hilang originaliti. kadang-kadang sengaja dipetik kata-kata atau dr buku dengan istilah yg bombastic agar penulisannya atau tutur katanya kononnya dpt memberi sense of authenticity.Ya, memang ia seperti isinya padat dan tepat tetapi adakah ia memahami isi disebalik permukaannya. Orang memang pandai menilai karya-karya shakespears di dalam bab percintaan tetapi hanya org yg bercinta yg dapat merasainya. Ia juga seperti pemuja-pemuja karya Jalaluddin Rumi, tetapi hanya org yg membaca dan memahami Al-Quran dan Sunnah sahaja yg dapat memahami isinya. jika tidak tentu sahaja Coleman Barks, Reynold Alleyne Nicholson sudah islam di tangan Akulah Api Engkaulah Angin.

Sebenarnya ramai org yg terperangkap dgn istilaf falsafah ini, mereka ini menganggap diri mereka ini adalah sudah cukup falsafah bila berjaya dan sukses apabila berjaya menceduk pandangan serta pendapat ahli-ahli filusif terdahulu di dalam buku serta tulisan mereka. Aku berkali-kali mengingatkan diri bahawa falsafah ini adalah isi segala ilmu.

Dimulakan dgn syariat seterusnya tarekat, makrifat dan akhirnya hakikat.
Ambil sahaja contoh, pakar membuat nasi ayam bercakap betapa sedapnya rasa nasi ayam di jalan kurau, dia menghuraikan kesedapan nasi ayam tersebut dihadapan pelajar2nya yg baru belajar method (syariat)resepi nasi ayam. Adakah lidah pelajar-pelajar tersebut dpt meneka rasa nasi ayam tersebut lantas ditafsir oleh otak??? Tentu sekali tidak, dan ia perlulah melalui jalan-jalan utk sampai ke bahagian tertinggi sekali iaitu, membuat nasi ayam tanpa melihat resepi, tau bahagian ayam yg mana yg enak sekali dibakar, beras apa yg terbaik utk digunakan bg menanak nasi dan paling akhir sekali tahu itu adalah rasa nasi ayam.

Aku ingat lg dlm Good Will Hunting antaranya:
You know Michelangelo?? U know a lot about him from a book, rite?? Life's work, politic aspirations, Pope. But I bet you can't tell me what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel. Because u never actually stood there and looked up at that beautiful ceiling.

Hakikat yg terbesar sekali
Pada aku hakikat terbesar sekali adalah kalimah "La illaha illalah". Tahu itu isi la illaha illalah. Ramai org yg seolah-olah mengaku bahawa dia itu adalah Al-Haq tetapi masih membuat dosa, ramai org mengaku bahawa dia seorg yg pakar Tafsir tetapi masih di hati ada sifat ego. Jadi mudah, dia masih tidah tahu falsafah "La illaha illalah". aku juga tidak mengetahui, dan utk kita sampai ke tahap mengetahui tak dpt tidak perlulah kita melalui jalan2 itu(beramal dgn syariat, method/tarekat, mengetahui makrifat dan akhir sekali pemahaman yg abadi/hakikat). Iaitu mengapa kita diciptakan

"Dan tidaklah Aku ciptakan jin dan manusia kecuali agar mereka beribadah kepada-ku".
Adz-Dzariyat, ayat 56:

Ia memang jelas kelihatan pada satu sisi ahli falsafah ini kelihatan seperti ego, dia sahaja yg intelektual. Org kampung dan org awam tak intelektual. Kononnya tahu apa itu makna kehidupan, tahu makna memberi dan menerima, tahu apa sahaja. Tetapi beliau tidak tahu yg memberi makan nasi itu adalah petani di kampung, ikan oleh nelayan. Siapakah yg lebih tahu apa itu makna kehidupan dan sesuai kehidupan jika tidak org2 yg sebegini. Itulah sebab ada ahli-ahli sastera/puisi yg kononnya bagus dlm penulisan menulis di coffee-coffee bean tentang laut tetapi karyanya tidaklah sehebat Usman Kelantan dlm menghurai maksud nelayan di serambi rumah usangnya.

Aku seringkali mendengar cakap-cakap ego ini oleh pelajar-pelajar (rakan-rakan aku) yg baru belajar mukhadimah ilmu logik/mantik. Nama-nama seperti aristotle, plato, ibnu Sina, al-farabi selalu disebut bagi menguatkan hujah walaupon kadangkala terlari jauh dari maksud perbincangan. Tetapi mudah sahaja ingin mematahkan hujah-hujah sebegini, gunakan sahaja akal, sebenarnya mereka-mereka(yg baru berjinak) ini amat dangkal dlm memahami logikal kerena otak mereka terlalu rigid dan menumpu kpd falsafah-falsafah kuno.

Oleh kerana itu juga atas nama falsafah,pandangan pope mengenai penyebaran Islam pada baru-baru ini yg membuatkan sekali lagi hati umat islam terguris telah diajak supaya didebat secara falsafah oleh golongan yg gila falsafah. Golongan ini tidak dpt membezakan antara serangan hujjah,tuduhan atau penghinaan. Apa yg pope tuduh itu adalah kesimpulan dr beliau dan amat mustahil beliau akan menerima sebarang hujah falsafah.

Hujah akal (ini timbal-balik tulisan aku mengenai peranan akal/logik di posting yg lepas)
Dan seringkali ahli-ahli yg kononnya falsafahnya tinggi menggunung menggunakan hujah akal bagi membincangkan soal-soal tauhid dan agama. Perlu diingatkan apabila membincangkan soal agama ia perlu dipagari atau diselusuri oleh dalil naqli. Hujjatul Islam Al-Ghazali sendiri mengkritik penggunaan akal yg berlebih-lebihan di dalam membincangkan ilmu ketuhanan dlm Tahafut al-Falasifah. Walupon kitab itu cuba dijawap oleh Ibn Rushd melalui kitabnya Tahafut al-Tahafut. Cuma apa yg aku nak kaitkan disini falsafah tanpa direction atau panduan yg betul boleh sahaja kita akan melakukan keganasan atau kezaliman ke atas pemikiran kita sendiri.

Ambil sahaja contoh kezaliman ke atas pikiran kita sendiri apa bila menyamakan persoalan maksud agama oleh semua agama-agama yg ada di dunia ini (pluralisme). Semua agama adalah sama, semuanya akan membawa kesyurga Cuma cara method beribadah sahaja lain. Golongan-golongan falsafah liberal ini menceduk bulat Jalaluddin Rumi

'Lampu-lampu itu berbeda, tapi cahayanya sama, datang dari sumber yang sama'. Tanpa mengkaji maksud Jalaluddin Ar-Rumi yg menghuraikan dari Ayat al-Quran

Dan Kami utuskan Nabi Isa Ibni Mariam mengikuti jejak langkah mereka (Nabi-nabi Bani Israil), untuk membenarkan Kitab Taurat yang diturunkan sebelumnya dan Kami telah berikan kepadanya Kitab Injil, yang mengandungi petunjuk hidayat dan cahaya yang menerangi... (Al-Maidah : Ayat 46).

Dan juga oleh kerana kebebalan ahli-ahli yg kononnya falsafah maka keluarlah pendapat mengenai peranan hati.Itu adalah luaran sahaja, walaupon saya nampak jahat tetapi hati manusia siapa yg tahu? tuhan mengetahui maksud hati saya, manusia tak layak menghakimi manusia lain berdasarkan perbuatan.
Maka selalunya mazhab ini diikut oleh para-para artis dan juga golongan yg cuba menggunakan offensive mechanisme dlm mempertahanlan perlakuan mereka.

Falsafah bagi aku
Katakanlah apa sahaja berkaitan dgn falsafah, jika pengakhirannya tidak membuatkan kita semakin baik,merendah diri, tau makna kehidupan maka semua itu sia-sia. Falsafah pada aku adalah suatu bentuk penyucian diri dan jiwa dalam memahami apa itu erti penghidupan(tazkiyah an-nafs). Pak Hamka dalam suatu diskusi apabila ditanya mengenai erti kecantikan (jamil), menguraikan panjang lebar mengenai pengertian cantik, sehingga membuatkan salah seorg ahli forum(yg aku kira pada mulanya liberal) bangun dan membuat konlusi " jika begitu bapak, maka apa yg paling cantik adalah kalimah "La illaha illalah". Akhirnya pada aku baik kita berhujah teknikal drpt berhujah falsafah tetapi karam di lautan gelap.

p/s: apabila aku baca penulisan aku kali ini ia seperti menyerang fahaman liberalisme walaupon niat aku bukanlah secara total begitu.=)

note shah:
hari pertama puasa di bulan ramdhan, tiada aktiviti yg aku lakukan. Walaupon kami telah bermesyuarat beberapa kali cuba untuk propose kegiatan untuk bulan ramadhan ini untuk blok, ia seperti tidak berjalan dengan lancar. Hari pertama puasa juga selsema menyerang sistem tubuh aku. Memang amat menyiksakan serta tidak selesa.

Monday, September 18, 2006


Response to writing by Ahmad Sahidah....

Actually that writing is response on article by Dr. Shaari Isa titled Tafsiran menurut realiti. He had tried to see how people nowadays even in new world still have old minded thinking. And its made the whole life of the people static, withstand against development.

He had got from what his understanding about Dr. Shaari's article how Dr. Shaari had categorized people in 2 division, realist and statis.

Puak realis adalah kelompok yang mentafsirkan sesuatu berdasarkan kepada realiti, yang mendorong masyarakat menuju kemodenan.

Puak statis berpandangan ideologikal dan sempit dengan mengajak kaumnya menuju romantisisme masa dahulu dan menolak pembaharuan.

The writer had easily made an opinion and example for statis people like Iranian after revolution 1979 and Taliban Government at Afghan.

The writer said:
Dr. Shaari menyatakan bahawa pemikiran realis telah membuat masyarakat moden dan maju, sebagaimana dicontohkan oleh Barat sekarang ini. Secara tersirat, kenyataan ini menunjukkan bahawa kemajuan Eropah adalah sebuah kejayaan. Justeru, modeniti Barat dinilai gagal oleh para pemikir daripada kalangan mereka sendiri, seperti Max Horkheimer dan Theodor Adorno dalam buku Dialectic of Enlightenment (1973).

So why the writer (Ahmad sahidah) said the revolution by Iranian and the victory of Taliban in Afghan as reason for retardation of all aspect compare to the victory of Islam 7th century until 13th century.

And I big confuse when the writer come out with the contradiction and said it is a big fatal mistake if we try to relate the revolution to Statis's clan. Because it as if teasing the history of the victory and paragon of ulama' and the civilian the whole things against the cruelty of dictator, Reza Pahlawi/Shah Iran.

What I can evaluate this writer is big die hard fun of Dr. Syariti as tank-thinker of progressive Iranian and be a mastermind to bring a spirit of reformisms to Iran system.

The writer also come out with Fazlur Rahman(Pakistanian)'opinion in contact of Islamic point about Statis that the ability of describe and come back to pure method and religion methodology follow to Quran and sunnah, meanwhile the realist is could adapt the text with situation nowadays (what the Amin said as the successful of exchange from text to context). The Pakistanian claims it is what he had call "gerakan bolak-balik" between old and new.

Basically, it is made a big-big confuse for me because the writer is fail to give example what is the realist and what is statis. The writer failed to make a description what meaning of statis. And if he had refer back statis to what happened in Iran and Afghan that I will call a silly and stupid example. Whether the writer is do not understand or I in failure to take understand a point what the exactly the point of view the writer had shown.

But at the last I got the whole explanation what he trying.

Then he wrote:
Kita memerlukan pentafsiran yang tidak lagi terperangkap pada pembezaan binar melainkan kita cuba melakukan sintesis antara kedua-dua kaedah ini.

So I had taken this as he tried to explain how we couldn't express of this 2 word as black and white (binary) because it is subjective view. Maybe some of people said this people are statis and the other side said they are actually realist. So the example about Iran and Afghan for me it is not his opinion. So the writer what i can see is declining the statis and realist theory. The dialectic theory is for decline this theory.

If we try to get civilization's achievement, no doubt realist it's more practical than statis. And for if we try combine between realist and statis (gerakan bolak-balik) we still become realist. Nothing was more important than realistic. If we had referred back to Quran and sunnah that still realist. If we want achieve in world wide it is still realist. The divide of statis and realist just suit and relevant if we refer back to history of enlightenment in Europe. Because they are totally decline off involvement from church in management of country and life. Thus, growth up society like freemanson, illumination and others believers and by that bringing to creation of the istilah like liberalism, capitalism, progressive, (islam hadari???) and so on.

In Islam we are encourage to become realistic to what we are doing and what we are face in this world.

Demikianlah Allah menerangkan kepadamu ayat-ayat-Nya (hukum-hukum-Nya) supaya kamu memahaminya. Surah al-Baqarah ayat 242

Adakah orang yang mengetahui bahawa apa yang diturunkan kepadamu dari Tuhanmu itu benar sama dengan orang yang buta? Hanya orang yang berakal sahaja yang dapat mengambil pengajaran. Surah al-Ra'd ayat 19

And we are as Muslim please do not influenced by these term (realist and statis) that they are trying to set in our mind at all. They just want we are become separated and divided and claim this group is realist and that group is statis. All rubbish!!!

Hadis rasulullah:
Wajib ke atas kamu berjamaah dan berwaspadalah terhadap gejala berpuak -puak , justeru sesungguhnya syaitan bersama orang yang bersendirian sementara syaitan berada sangat jauh dari orang yang berdua , barangsiapa yang mahu tempat teristemewa di tengah-tengah syurga ( kerakyatan ) syurga maka hendaklah ia melazimi ( mewajibkan diri ) bersama Jamaah .
Riwayat Imam Tarmizi

Jamaah adalah rahmat sementara berpuak- puak pula adalah azab . Riwayat Imam Ahmad

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


aku tak bernafsu utk tidur pada petang ini....

perlukah sejarah malaya digali dan disusun semula??aku melontarkan persoalan kpd semua...

seperti golongan malaysia baru (baca:gol.muda) mahu sejarah disusun semula dan diberi nafas baru. Gol ini(mungkinkah aku sekali??) mahu sejarah yg pure historical ,jujur tanpa melibatkan apa2 kepentingan politik.

*sejarah pada aku kalau di tulis mesti akan bersifat bias. Mana ada sejarah yg benar2 jujur~

Penerbitan UKM dgn berani menerbitkan memoir Shamsiah Fakeh lantas ingin melanjutkan kpd memoir Rashid Maidin akhirnya diberikan kepada pihak lain.>>>>>lantas keluar dlm surat khabar mengatakan UKM telah dijangkiti anasir komunis. UKM akur kpd tekanan lalu membekukan buku memoir shamsiah Fakeh.

saudara Harat pernah menulis:
Barangkali sekarang konsep wira itu patutlah diperluaskan kepada semua orang yang berjuang menentang penjajah, tanpa mengira apa pun fahaman politiknya. Adalah tidak wajar jika pejuang kiri kemerdekaan, misalnya, tidak diiktiraf sebagai wira seperti pahlawan-pahlawan Melayu itu(laksmana Mohd Amin n Org Kaya Ngah Ibrahim)

beliau juga merujuk sejarah dan memahami sejarah skrg sbg:
"sejarah" yang diindoktrinasikan kepada rakyat negara ini sejak zaman penjajahan dahulu. Maka itulah sejarah "versi rasmi", versi arus perdana yang dianggap "benar" sehingga pada masa ini.Bahang sejarah pejuang@pengkhianat yg terbuang ini terus dikaji dan diurai semula.

Begitu juga dgn percubaan Amir Muhammad yg memfilemkan lelaki terakhir komunis yg membuatkan ramai "org" yg menggeletek panas punggung.

Timbul persoalan adakah PKM ini pejuang atau pengkhianat negara?? jika mereka ini pejuang mengapa mereka ini terus berjuang selepas kemerdekaan di dlm hutan sehingga 1989??

dalam suatu forum Aishah Ghani (Tan Sri) terus mengutuk(aku kira sampai ke akhir hayat beliau akan mengutuk PKM) PKM sebagai pengkhianat bangsa.tetapi beliau aku lihat byk bermain dgn emosi tetapi kurang dari segi fakta dlm menyatakan perkara tersebut.

Prof. Khoo Kay Kim sendiri apabila mengulas mengenai PKM mengatakan bahawa masyarakat pada waktu itu tidak memahami dasar Komunis dan oleh kerana itu ramai yg terpengaruh dgn dakyah komunis. mereka tidak megetahui Doktrin asal komunis yg ingin mewujudkan dunia komunis iaitu tiada negara, semua negara dipayungi oleh satu kuasa komunis. Jadi kalau begitu Malaya tidak akan merdeka sampai bila2??

Persoalan yg sering timbul juga adalah perlu pemimpin2 PKM ini terutamanya dari golongan melayu seperti Abdullah CD, Rashid Maidin dan juga shamsiah Fakeh perlu diberikan penghormatan oleh negara sebagai negarawan dan pejuang negara?

ia,mereka mmg dr golongan berhaluan kiri tetapi mereka bukanlah seperti pejuang haluan kiri yg lain spt Ahmad boestamam(API) dan Ishak Haji boestamam yg tidak menyertai PKM. Ahmad boestamam dan Ishak walaupon kerajaan tidak mengwar2kan keperwiraan mereka pada setiap kali kemerdekaan(mungkin atas dasar politik) tetapi mereka tetap diberikan gelaran oleh kerajaan.

(aku tak sangka rumah yg diduduki oleh Ahmad Boestamam sewaktu ditangkap oleh mata-mata pihak british yg entah kali keberapa rupa2nya hanya sekitar kawasan tempat aku)

Pemimpin2 PKM mengumumkan mereka juga adalah pejuang kemerdekaan@tanah melayu. oleh kerana muak dgn segala tomahan yg dilemparkan kpd mereka maka mereka2 ini telah menulis memoir mereka sendiri.tetapi golongan kanan masih tidak mengiktiraf gol. ini sbg pejuang.manakala golongan muda yg mindanya terus didesak persoalan demi persoalan mahukan jawapan jika tidak mereka akan terus menerus merumuskan segala tindakan ini atas dasar faktor2 politik atau apa shj. golongan muda mahu historical dan hagiografi tertentu disemak dan disusun semula oleh pakar2 sejarah kita sendiri tanpa bersifat prejudis dan tekanan politik. jika kita membiarkan sarjana barat yg mentahkikkan sejarah kita sendiri tentulah ia akan bersifir bias kpd gol. penjajah. don't let's monkey judges people.

yang menjadi masalahnya pada aku perilaku PKM itu sendiri serta akidah mereka. PKM kita tahu byk membunuh org2 tanah malaya sendiri dan Akidah mereka sudah tentulah Atheis atau tidak mempercayai tuhan.

tapi benarkah begitu, Rashid Maidin apabila keluar dr hutan dan menghabiskan sisa tuanya menjadi guru mengaji dan sebaik shj keluar dr hutan terus menunaikan haji di mekah.Shamsiah Fakeh juga kita tak perlu pertikaikan lagi lulusan pondok agama.

jadi bagaimanakah akidah mereka ini telah sonsang??

juga suatu fakta yg menarik guru kpd Astora Jabat, Ust. Abdul Karim Hassan (yakni abang kepada YB Bunut Payung, Taqiyuddin Hassan) yg mendirikan sekolah agama di selatan Thailand dikhabarkan pernah berkerjasama dgn gol. komunis melayu spt Rashid Maiden.

Jadi soalannya di sini apa benarkah akidah mereka telah sonsang??

sekadar memetik buku tamar Jamlis(Mungkin ada yg mengatakan ini bhn lawak nanti,hehe),maksudnya lebih kurang begini:
aku dan datuk menaiki bas...dalam perjalanan kami di tahan oleh pihak komunis................maka berlaku sedikit pertengkaran antara atuk dan beberapa org komunis, ketua kumpulan komunis itu seperti berang lalu cuba menghunuskan senapang ke arah datuk. Datuk dgn pantas membaca 27 kali Al-Fatihah dlm satu nafas, Datuk berjaya mengelak peluru itu lantas terkena kawan komunis mereka yg berbangsa melayu. komunis melayu itu mati disitu juga. komunis2 lain kaget, lantas mengundur diri dan menarik komunis melayu yg terkulai mati itu. datuk meminta izin kpd kumpulan komunis itu utk menguruskan mayat lelaki itu krn ia org islam tetapi ketua kumpulan tersebut tidak membenarkan dan menyatakan akan menguruskan sendiri mayat kawan mereka. meraka akan tanam di dlm kandang BABI.

aku pernah bertanya kpd ibuku mengenai Rashid Maidin. Ibuku lantas menjawap, dia bukan komunis, dia tak pernah pun mengacau org2 melayu. yg mengatakan dia komunis itu org lain.

aku tidak pasti adakah ibuku bermaksud beliau bukan komunis dari segi akidah atau apa. tetapi Rashid Maiden itu PKM itu sudah pasti kerana sejarah telah mmbuktikan.mungkin benar sewaktu Rashid Maiden di dlm PKM itu tidak mengacau atau mengusik org melayu kerana mustahil ibuku menipu. bapak kpd ibuku(datuk aku) adalah seorg SC, begitu juga bapak kpd bapak aku(nenek aku) adalah seorg SC. SC adalah askar yg berjuang menamatkan sisa perjuangan komunis di tanah malaya sehingga berjaya menghalau mereka ke selatan Thailand. mustahil datuk dan nenek aku menipu ttg Rashid Maiden sedangkan merekalah(datuk dan nenek aku) insan2 yg memerangi PKM ini.

bercerita mengenai rashid Maiden ini,aku pernah mendengar cerita saudara aku yg menceritakan kehebatan Rashid Maiden, beliau memiliki "ilmu" yg tinggi. pernah suatu ketika ibunya meninggal dunia dan dikhabarkan rashid maiden dtg menziarahi ibunya tanpa disedari oleh mata-mata. mungkin benar kerana wilayah gopeng terkenal dgn "ilmu-ilmu" sebegini ditambah pula beliau keturunan Rawa. Opah Ngah aku sendiri (aku keturunan rawa) diceritakan membela beberapa ekor harimau sebagai pelindung.

beberapa tahun dahulu khabarnya Rashid Maiden pulang ke kg halaman sempena hari raya dan itu pon di escort oleh beberapa kenderaan pacuan 4 roda atas2 sebab keselamatan. kini Rashid Maiden kembali ke rahmatullah. Al- Fatihah utk beliau.

Jika pendapat Prof.Khoo Kay Kim diambil kira mengenai fahaman komunis. let's do "historical if".

~antara duri dan api. between khaki brown and jungle green or whatsoever~

p/s:aku bukan PKM,Komunis, aku kapitalis(ini tentu ramai org suka =))

Monday, September 11, 2006


When Dr Asri become Shahibus Samahah...

I don't know is it the true or not that Dr Asri get the invitation to become mufti for state of Perlis. Still, don't know whether Dr asri receive or not that position. Such in this way, if he receives that position maybe he will appointed exactly on 1 October. All already known keilmuan Dr asri but I'm quite sad when geng2 salafiyun(salafiyun is a euphemism for wahabi) said "alhamdullialah doa kita termakmul utk melihat salafi memimpin umah di Malaysia ni."

Perlis well-known as one of state that hold Sunnah in Malaysia. They are practice all Mazhab without obtain to one Mazhab. When Dr asri maybe will invited that position is like org mengantuk disorongkan bantal la. Some people said (khalaf, they will preoccupy about this appointment) it truly "good" coz there will burst out a big argument and battle between mufti perils and mufti n9. Mufti n9 is more like to accept the tarekat way, meanwhile salafi known as one group that seem totally pull out the tarekat way. Honestly, there have certain thing that I am not agreeing about Dr Asri especially in the way of khilafiyah subject and how he give opinion on some issues (such as seban's issue and etc). Dr Harunsani before this variably touches about khilafiyah, Pluralisme and Liberal problem but Salafiin Malaysia just refer and excerpt about Pluralisme and Liberal and erase about khilafiyah. Yup, what I can see salafi in Malaysia are stronger supporter for Dr asri. Dr asri I truly admits is good in Hadis but when he goes into fiqh principle for certain people he does it in not pretty well. In certain ways, Ahlul Hadis do not absolutely well in come out with opinion of fekah principle. For example the story between imam hanafi and one ahli hadis. The ahli hadis question why he can't solve the fiqh problem in same time he remember hundred of thousand hadis.

Seriously I myself have take a lot of knowledge from fiqh salafi. They, what I can see practice ibadah with fully of knowledge how the one ibadah had been done by Rasul (saw) without increasing any method. They also have strong knowledge about dalil from al-quran and sunnah about one amal.

Besides that, I am not really happy about the way his (Dr Asri) prejudice about Syiah. It obviously could saw when he defends the fatwa Syeikh Jibrin about Syiah. Yes, that fatwa are come out 4 years ago and it against rafidi not syiah the whole, but the way he defends like another salafiyun defends. They claim another group too obsesses, taksub or ghuluw with their tok guru but they also do the same thing. Salafi will defend of ulama salafi. Khalaf will defends of ulama khalaf. Nothing was more. Ok back to the topic,Dr Asri at another side I am really respect on his acknowledge about hadis. As conclusion I am not concern if Dr Asri take that place or not but I am worry if he terlalu lantang membidaahkan org who got different opinion and perception with him. What the biggest worry is if his supporter and his dead hardcore student (Qayyim) lebih sudu dari kuah. For certain people,this appointment is looming.

p/s: di atas just of my luahan persaaan, sape la aku insan yg kerdil ini utk mengkritik ulama.

Friday, September 08, 2006


After i was at megamall at evening my friends had asked me when the judgers will start examine their invasion, i said i don't know cause what i can see many booths still, do not seen by them yet. It supposes to finish before lunch. Because of that, I asked the judges when they could finish their part rite there. That is big problem to me cause to detect where they are been and hanging out, some judges in restaurant, some just talk. Besides that, one judge from our college was separated from his group, the outside judger asked me to find him. I called him via hset but failed but lucky eventually I found him.

Time is running out, by that time 3.30pm, quasi-quasi. I can't wait anymore if the judges do not start to examine our student yet then when, I don't want it finish at 6.00 pm, then i bet some of sort will amiss, mana sempat nak kira markah,meeting and so on. So I refered back to experience judger, Dr. Wan from MIND how they plan to judge our student's invasion, so he had briefed and I got it, so we just follow the plan. We were re-group all outside judger and I told to our student to ready at their booths themselves.
All had gone well to our planning. So by 4.50 we collect all judging fail and the calculation of mark gonna be start.


p/s: later ek i upload the photobucket got da problm la

note shah:
aku ingatkan cuti ini aku ingin habiskan penulisan aku dalam beberapa perkara, jadi aku perlu banyak membaca. aku ingatkan aku dpt habiskan dan meneliti buku tauhid tulisan syeikh muhammad ibnu' wahhab, makalah oleh Bin baz Wujub Luzumi As-Sunnah, fiqah sunnah oleh syed Sabiq dan lain-lain buku disamping nota-nota aku dahulu.tetapi azam tinggal azam.ia membuatkan aku teringat akan azam aku dahulu semasa cuti sekolah ingin mengkhatamkan kitab Bahrul Mazi. dan skrg terasa rugi dahulu tak sempat mempelajari perbezaan antara Muturudi', As-syaari' dan salafi~

Thursday, September 07, 2006


homeland (7)
Honestly I am quite worrying about the future, u know the temperature rite now seems unknown. Bajet2007 shown us it's more related to biotechnology, farm, school fees. Certainty, many spoke up this bajet mesra rakyat but for us, as a future technology's player, nothing we could get and hope. They seem forget about factory industry from low to high technology field. After PERWAJA went to go wrong side, PROTON burst out the helluva problem and etc, they obviously try to move to another field. Now I am quite confuse, where is our direction right now?? To become industrial's country or farm's country or biotech or wut. Please show me the way.

Sifir form one professor (he's not like other academicians that too academic coz he got lot of experience at industrial field)
He said "actually there should not be unemployed problem if we have enough vacancies. Many factories make more vacancies. Many vacancies need more human sources. Thus, all sectors will flow fluently including government sector." The placebo reason why graduate student still didn't get a job like weak in English, less in soft skill for me just silly reason.

p/s: if they want someone terror maut in English as executive or so,find out la artists like amani, amy search and etc, they all suma terror in English. Xpon ambik aje Ina Mawi as your executive pemasaran (punyalah berlambak bdk management/business study yg tanam anggur)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Homeland (6)

Actually at that nite at 1 am, we have a meeting with En. Rahman at hotel's lobby. All have to report their progress, and absolutely I am the most pointed people for En. Rahman. with limited time i asked En.Rahman the things that i still blur. the meeting is going stop and dismiss when suddenly druken people come and bummm his butt on the sofa in front of us. before we go back to our room, i get the room's no. of judges from counter.

hari kejadian...

Like we had suppose to guess we woke up quite late that morning (maybe gal usually early riser but don't know la galz zaman skg pemalas,huhu), so without furher ado grooming ourselves lil’bit ah then ahead to meeting room. For the initial, we want to get our breakfast 1st but as if the time gets jealous on us so we just forget and prepare our meeting room.

The meeting was held on time just one judges couldn't attend cause follow his VC to another ceremony maybe at over oversea if I aint mistaken. The meeting keep going okay at began but when we want to go to the list and boring penyertaan that we were post to them earlier, gosh!!! All the listing is messy and harsh; the list is not suit to the borang as well as ours too. Yup, it absolutely distressed me more.So with clumsiness we try collect all listing and boring and revamp it for new. Imagine more than 300 papers that we should arrange and suit it. At the moment just 3 of us in that room, so I had called the other secretariats that in charge that part for come and give a hand. Masuk2 je derang terus kena assault by me, alas and alack, cam rasa bersalah lak aku but at the end I am apologize them what. The judges at that time take a look on us and I felt something unkind played in their mind. Thanks God at the end all finish and okay.thus,the judgment start at 11.00 am, late 1 hour from our intent.

Then, I and one group of judgers go to megamall, and as I'd step at the side suddenly kena marah ngn " da big commentator", apa lg tiba2 kena serang so I said back and give lil'bit harsh words, baru terdiam. I am asks my friends to observe the judging while I went back to meeting room for settle several matters.

At that time if I am not mistaken, at meeting room just have me, din,tirah,shikin and baini. So be there for arrange and plan what we gotta do after afternoon.
We got lunched at 1.30 pm.


Note shah:
Aku mmg kesian sgt kat abg aku. Tapi aku tahu aku tak dapat lakukan apa-apa. Dia apabila keluar dari neraka itu aku nampak mmg bahagia sangat, dan aku tahu ramai org yg tak sangka dia terseksa sebegitu rupa.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Homeland (5)

We still da not check in to our hotel becoz we do not get the key yet. So jenuh mencari and call sana sini someone in charge the registration part and whatever we check in about 10.30 pm. Just 3 boys and 2 girls of us yg melepak at the room. Unfortunately for boys because we are 3 and the bed were provided only 2. So we move out the tilam from one bed to the floor make it 3 and then masing berebut to choose the nest, I got the lucky because can reclining myself on the complete bed,huahua...but opppss couldn't sleep cause a lot of preparation we have to do with the limited of people.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting See the havoc...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting The dark has intensified the situation....

After all work had been done we were hanging out at mapley layan roti canai and the the tarik. We all mmg selamba kodok coz climb the fence of that hotel coz gonna cross the short cut way. Yg xbestnya I got the tosai, masam giler, xabis pon. We were going to bed at 4.00 am.

Note shah:
Aku tertanya2 apa signifikasinya 2 org ahli perubatan di pilih sbg angkasawan Malaysia yg pertama. Secara logiknya juruterbang atau engineer mungkin lebih sesuai dr segi bidang. Tapi setelah ahli perubatan yg dipilih aku merumuskan penghantaran angkawasan negara yg pertama hanyalah semata-mata penghantaran. Tiada membawa apa2 erti kpd pembangunan.

Monday, September 04, 2006


Homeland (4)
The Friday morning still didn't get Rector and other Dean's signature. So about 12 pm I gotta go canseleri apartment see the En. Rahman because En Rahman just arrive from Megamall, 1st unit is sent early 8 am to registration. So at the 1st time I saw the Cokmar front of my eyes with En. Rahman and Dato' Rector and at the same time asking for the signature. The 2nd unit is sent about 12.30 pm after take a trophies and serveniuor from canselori apartment.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hostingthe trophies (i am juz cut it of from original pic that y camne pic dia)

After solat jumaat rushing for secretariat's room fo final check what they have to bring wi' van to Megamall because I dun wanna bring all that stuffz with a car at the late evening later. Check after check, count after count baru sedar that 1 file for judges less one, I sent one file to en rahman office but he forgot to bring it against to Megamall, so I am just cilok tak tau dari sape, nampak fail tu dlm kotak besar main ambik jek, sorry kpd yg kena cilok. 3rd team was pulled together at 3.30 pm. So, how about me??

I got AC test at 5.00 pm later, seriously I dun not baca apa2 lagi, I am too scare and soo nervous, I never face the way like that. So without enough preparation sit at the test and just put at the hope and doa. And as a result u know la kan..

So after rite the test get out to the hostel packing my stuff and ahead to megamall with car. Singgah jap kat masjid for solat and arrived at megamall with feeling excited, aku terlonjak2 nak cepat nak tgk interior design, so shamelessly, hehe...da arrangement, designing and booth's decoration for me excellent, beautiful and colorful.

When I arrived I see all boothers busy doing their preparation, u know from stick the
poster and information invasion on walls to decorate the booth and etc. others secretariat do the final rehearsal. We got one problem, we had gave booth with wrong no. with what we have in our listing, so two of competitors clamoring about it. I didnt know the problem from the start, so I am asks one secretariat (I called her teenagers twitch) cause the secretariats at 2nd booth all seems blur what they have to do, I'd probed her. She just mengeleng-geleng kapla pastu ckp takde apa2. sakit sungguh hati aku. Maybe she had thought i am just want to jaga tepi kain org. so, I used to ask the persons in problem myself. They seems wanna vomit all their isi perut with red face so, malas nak kecoh2 lg I'd made decision to see the contractor and memandai asks the contractor to change the name of institute and school at that booths. The constructor said they couldn't change it at the nite because all workers already going, I promise the exhibitors that we will change it by tomorrow. Thanks God all okay tomorrow and all exhibitors satisfied at the end.


Sunday, September 03, 2006


Homeland (3)

The story behind expo had never untold...

Hehe...saje create such as story title, actually nothing though.

Have in mood to scribble something about expo for our university convocation in my perspective. Well, it is outside of my acknowledge the whole activities or event we were held during that time because most of time I am in meeting room at MS Garden, do the preparation, collect all mark and arrange the sequences of our pertandingan reka cipta . lagi pon sape la aku ni, I am not the needy person, just tempelan je, nothing sense to them belongs me or without me. Nevertheless I'll try to wrap it all I know in this blog in several chapters.

2 night before the event we like the hell trying to finish our sijil penyertaan part. That nite also Sakinah try to finish her excel software for marking system.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingThe sijil in progresss...(mana plak aku nie??)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
The task we are not suppose to do...melipat pamplet(pic aku xde lg,huh)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
See the blue bag, inside all sijil n we have to cetak all the sijil...the blue behind that, just outsider,hehe


*sorry publish pic korg tanpa keizinan, semua di atas adalah utk menunjukkan kerja kitaorg dan bukanlah menunjukkan muka drg..sekian
Note shah:
Bajet 2007 pada aku tidak mesra industri perkilangan. Aku bersetuju dgn salah seorg ahli forum yg aku tonton di kaca tv. Kerajaan seolah-olah melupakan kpd industri ini yg banyak membantu pembangunan kita selama ini. Aku takut mereka-mereka(baca: pelabur asing) bertukar arah ke negara Cina.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Homeland (2)
A day before merdeka day I'd attend one forum at UKM, for something like integrasi Antara Kaum la. The forumers from politician field which are Awang Adek, not-remember name- from youth MCA, and the last once is from MIC. I am just take for the granted that forum, 22 delegacy from our college and we make it as for fun trip, no more formal act, wearing the mud-sneaker, T-shirt, chinos made us like kutu rayau. So no wonder la when we are reached at front of enter door, no body welcomes us warmly.

I firmly uninterested to the topic follow the forumers because for me they just repeat and repeated what we know, the fantasy and the dream they want to create amongst the variety of races here. So, along the event I am just easy my mouth talk with uitm student behind me, Amiza, mulut dia...pergh like popcorns, huhu (I got the note from my friends "ko nak balik uitm ke mlm ni,lapang sket bas kita",hehe).

Can we become Malaysian as one unit?
1. we still have a party bottom to own races
2. we still have a slogans "melayu tolong melayu"
3. our economic still not at the same level (only 18% Malay’s equity)
4. Some of Malaysian we could conceal their patriotism spirit.
5. Are we ready to open our hand for non-malay prime minister?
6. About the national language...

And bla bla...

When it goes to QA's session, I suppose hope to see the brilliant questions from student. But the hope just a hope, too many people wanna speak on microphone with nonsense talk. I am asks myself, is it nation young generations? Talk useless. I hope I can see the question about integration in politics party, how the economic were growth at Pulau pinang because up front have Awang Adek, asks them about meritocracy system, about article 11, about the KJ story and so on. These all, all about the integration itself. We both (Amiza and I) masing2 low profile konon2nye,hehe...better not put myself in jeopardize dude.

Just before watched Illa and her brother via TV3, they both had won 10k bucks in Susu Sejat Pasangan Ideal (I am not sure the name of the competition though). Not bad, at the back Illa ni kinda quiet person, and big surprise she could act in front of camera. Credit for her.

Note shah:
Buah naga di tepi rumahku telah masak, jadi aku memetiknya dan memakannya, rasanya sgt sejuk apabila diletakkan di dlm petik ais dahulu. Harganya skg adalah RM 8 sekilo, dan ramai org berlumba2 tanam dan ada yg membuka lading, malah ada yg meminjam dr bank. Mungkinkah harganya akan turun suatu hari nanti apabila tiba2 shj kerajaan menukar arus drpd bioteknologi kepada industri perlancongan sepenuhnya, mana la tau kan???~

Friday, September 01, 2006


Homeland (1)

I ma back home =) is feel so relief to back to see my home again,too hard to get da ticket at last minute but I did it with helping by Thirah although the bus make a problem at early,it came late from schedule. And I promise I'll not buy from that company again. Well, I got back with sherry besides my neighbor, so in the bus just talk and talk from music what we like to cooking so on hobbies until I am gonna be so bore and went to sleep.

The 1st thing I do when I got home is tug down myself on a sofa, but unpredictably da sofa suddenly broke down and its make like hole at the middle of. Ohh no the sofa that I always use to baring-baring, sleep over night, continue sleep after morning and for siesta was broke down now, how I can ease myself on it again?? It is like nest for me, warm myself and of course my mum said la the perfume on that sofa just like me,hehe....

I am forget and always forget to bring back my things completely, there for sure sumething I'd left at hostel, and at this time I'd forgot about hset's charger and nail scissors (yeh one of my behave is I cant share my nail scissors with na one else). The towel, I use MU's towel,hehe...bembeng(my mak adopted daughter) she left her kesayangan MU's towel, so I got it, nasib ko la,haha...

What I gonna do this semester break. Yup besides rest and rest I wanna build up my self-inner, charge the spirit going back to origin and contemplating all thins as well as make some reading too. It is really an awe-inspiring to see the homeland. well,cause of by my test 1st for Automatic Control is not pretty good (maybe pretty worse is precise) make my intent to focus on that more in this semester break.